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Version: v1.3.x

Uninstalling Zowe

You can uninstall Zowe if you no longer need to use it. Follow these procedures to uninstall each Zowe component.

Uninstalling Zowe from z/OS#

Follow these steps on z/OS:

  1. Stop the Zowe started task which stops all of its microservices by using the following command:

  2. Delete the ZOWESVR member from your system PROCLIB data set.

    To do this, you can issue the following TSO DELETE command from the TSO READY prompt or from ISPF option 6:

    delete 'your.zowe.proclib(zowesvr)'

    Alternatively, you can issue the TSO DELETE command at any ISPF command line by prefixing the command with TSO:

    tso delete 'your.zowe.proclib(zowesvr)'

    To query which PROCLIB data set that ZOWESVR is put in, you can view the SDSF JOB log of ZOWESVR and look for the following message:


    If no ZOWESVR JOB log is available, issue the /$D PROCLIB command at the SDSF COMMAND INPUT line and BROWSE each of the DSNAME=some.jes.proclib output lines in turn with ISPF option 1, until you find the first data set that contains member ZOWESVR. Then issue the DELETE command as shown above.

  3. Remove RACF® (or equivalent) definitions using the following command:


    where userid indicates the user ID that is used to install Zowe.

Uninstalling Zowe CLI from the desktop#

Important! The uninstall process does not delete the profiles and credentials that you created when using the product from your computer. To delete the profiles from your computer, delete them before you uninstall Zowe CLI.

The following steps describe how to list the profiles that you created, delete the profiles, and uninstall Zowe CLI.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open a command line window.

    Note: If you do not want to delete the Zowe CLI profiles from your computer, go to Step 5.

  2. List all profiles that you created for a Command Group by issuing the following command:

    zowe profiles list <profileType>


    $ zowe profiles list zosmf
    The following profiles were found for the module zosmf:
    'SMITH-123' (DEFAULT)
    smith-123@SMITH-123-W7 C:\Users\SMITH-123
  3. Delete all of the profiles that are listed for the command group by issuing the following command:

    Tip: For this command, use the results of the list command.

    Note: When you issue the delete command, it deletes the specified profile and its credentials from the credential vault in your computer's operating system.

    zowe profiles delete <profileType> <profileName> --force


    zowe profiles delete zosmf SMITH-123 --force
  4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for all Zowe CLI command groups and profiles.

  5. Uninstall Zowe CLI by issuing one of the following commands:

    • If you installed Zowe CLI from the package, issue the following command

      npm uninstall --global @brightside/core
    • If you installed Zowe CLI from the online registry, issue the following command:

      npm uninstall --global brightside

      The uninstall process removes all Zowe CLI installation directories and files from your computer.

  6. Delete the C:\Users\<user_name>\.brightside directory on your computer. The directory contains the Zowe CLI log files and other miscellaneous files that were generated when you used the product.

    Tip: Deleting the directory does not harm your computer.

  7. If you installed Zowe CLI from the online registry, issue the following command to clear your scoped npm registry:

    npm config set @brightside:registry

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