Configuring z/OSMF
The following information contains procedures and tips for meeting z/OSMF requirements. For complete information, go to IBM Knowledge Center and read the following documents.
z/OS requirementsEnsure that the z/OS system meets the following requirements:
Requirements | Description | Resources in IBM Knowledge Center |
Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF) | On z/OS, Node requires ICSF to be installed, configured and started. | N/A |
AXR (System REXX) | z/OS uses AXR (System REXX) component to perform Incident Log tasks. The component enables REXX executable files to run outside of conventional TSO and batch environments. | System REXX |
Common Event Adapter (CEA) server | The CEA server, which is a co-requisite of the Common Information Model (CIM) server, enables the ability for z/OSMF to deliver z/OS events to C-language clients. | Customizing for CEA |
Common Information Model (CIM) server | z/OSMF uses the CIM server to perform capacity-provisioning and workload-management tasks. Start the CIM server before you start z/OSMF (the IZU* started tasks). | Reviewing your CIM server setup |
CONSOLE and CONSPROF commands | The CONSOLE and CONSPROF commands must exist in the authorized command table. | Customizing the CONSOLE and CONSPROF commands |
Java level | IBM® 64-bit SDK for z/OS®, Java Technology Edition V8 or later is required. | Software prerequisites for z/OSMF |
TSO region size | To prevent exceeds maximum region size errors, verify that the TSO maximum region size is a minimum of 65536 KB for the z/OS system. | N/A |
User IDs | User IDs require a TSO segment (access) and an OMVS segment. During workflow processing and REST API requests, z/OSMF might start one or more TSO address spaces under the following job names: userid; substr(userid, 1, 6) CN (Console). | N/A |
Configuring z/OSMFFollow these steps:
From the console, issue the following command to verify the version of z/OS:
Part of the output contains the release, for example,
Configure z/OSMF.
z/OSMF is a base element of z/OS V2.2 and V2.3, so it is already installed. But it might not be configured and running on every z/OS V2.2 and V2.3 system.
In short, to configure an instance of z/OSMF, run the IBM-supplied jobs IZUSEC and IZUMKFS, and then start the z/OSMF server. The z/OSMF configuration process occurs in three stages, and in the following order:
Stage 1 - Security setup
Stage 2 - Configuration
Stage 3 - Server initialization
This stage sequence is critical to a successful configuration. For complete information about how to configure z/OSMF, see Configuring z/OSMF for the first time if you use z/OS V2.2 or Setting up z/OSMF for the first time if V2.3.
Note: In z/OS V2.3, the base element z/OSMF is started by default at system initial program load (IPL). Therefore, z/OSMF is available for use as soon as you set up the system. If you prefer not to start z/OSMF automatically, disable the autostart function by checking for START
commands for the z/OSMF started procedures in the COMMNDxx parmlib member.
The z/OS Operator Consoles task is new in Version 2.3. Applications that depend on access to the operator console such as Zowe™ CLI's RestConsoles API require Version 2.3.
Verify that the z/OSMF server and angel processes are running. From the command line, issue the following command:
If jobs IZUANG1 and IZUSVR1 are not active, issue the following command to start the angel process:
After you see the message ""CWWKB0056I INITIALIZATION COMPLETE FOR ANGEL"", issue the following command to start the server:
The server might take a few minutes to initialize. The z/OSMF server is available when the message ""CWWKF0011I: The server zosmfServer is ready to run a smarter planet."" is displayed.
Issue the following command to find the startup messages in the SDSF log of the z/OSMF server:
You could see a message similar to the following message, which indicates the port number:
In this example, the port number is 443. You will need this port number later.
Point your browser at the nominated z/OSMF STANDALONE Server home page and you should see its Welcome Page where you can log in.
Note: If your implementation uses an external security manager other than RACF (for example, CA Top Secret for z/OS or CA ACF2 for z/OS), you provide equivalent commands for your environment. For more information, see the following product documentation:
z/OSMF REST services for the Zowe CLIThe Zowe CLI uses z/OSMF Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs to work with system resources and extract system data. Ensure that the following REST services are configured and available.
z/OSMF REST services | Requirements | Resources in IBM knowledge Center |
Cloud provisioning services | Cloud provisioning services are required for the Zowe CLI CICS and Db2 command groups. Endpoints begin with /zosmf/provisioning/ | Cloud provisioning services |
TSO/E address space services | TSO/E address space services are required to issue TSO commands in the Zowe CLI. Endpoints begin with /zosmf/tsoApp | TSO/E address space services |
z/OS console services | z/OS console services are required to issue console commands in the Zowe CLI. Endpoints begin with /zosmf/restconsoles/ | z/OS console services |
z/OS data set and file REST interface | z/OS data set and file REST interface is required to work with mainframe data sets and UNIX System Services files in the Zowe CLI. Endpoints begin with /zosmf/restfiles/ | z/OS data set and file REST interface |
z/OS jobs REST interface | z/OS jobs REST interface is required to use the zos-jobs command group in the Zowe CLI. Endpoints begin with /zosmf/restjobs/ | z/OS jobs REST interface |
z/OSMF workflow services | z/OSMF workflow services is required to create and manage z/OSMF workflows on a z/OS system. Endpoints begin with /zosmf/workflow/ | z/OSMF workflow services |
Zowe uses symbolic links to the z/OSMF
, and ltpa.keys
files. Zowe reuses SAF, SSL, and LTPA configurations; therefore, they must be valid and complete.
For more information, see Using the z/OSMF REST services in IBM z/OSMF documentation.
To verify that z/OSMF REST services are configured correctly in your environment, enter the REST endpoint into your browser. For example:
- Browsing z/OSMF endpoints requests your user ID and password for defaultRealm; these are your TSO user credentials.
- The browser returns the status code 200 and a list of all jobs on the z/OS system. The list is in raw JSON format.